Treasuring The Journey

Treasuring the journey through life, one footstep at a time.

Since the 22nd October 4, 2011

Filed under: Baby Peanut,Family — Treasuring The Journey @ 12:33 AM
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I hope each of you had a great weekend; ours was splendid.  There was one minor rant while in Target over white shirts, but that issue is for another blog post.  Other than that, the weekend was superb.  The weather has become more fall-like, with crisp mornings, beautiful blue skies, and sunshine.  The sunsets have been gorgeous.  Purples morphing into warm yellows and orange sunsets. We caught one going over the Tennessee River that was lovely. 


Anyways, I want to get better at uploading pictures and keeping you all informed on what we are working on and how Cason is growing and being such a joy.  The following are pictures and videos on what the Williams family has been up to since Sept 22nd.  You have already seen some pictures from my birthday dinner on a previous post (here).  All of these pictures and videos were taken on my new phone, a Samsung Fascinate.  Pete bought me an awesome camera for my birthday and it takes AMAZING pictures!  I have many more to share, but I have not uploaded and edited those yet. 


Ok, ok, on to the pictures. 



Cason is now able to sit up on his own, unsupported in the past two weeks.  He can go for long periods of time balancing on his own.  These pictures were taken on 9/22/2011.





My friend, Katie, and I have been taking down wall-paper in the kitchen.  I found some great glass mosaic tile on clearance at Lowe’s and will be doing the backsplash around the sink, stovetop, and two other countertop sections in the kitchen.  Here is the tile…$2.24 per sheet on clearance from $9.89 originally!  SCORE!





I am undecided on paint color for the remaining sections of wall space.  Here are my samples so far.  I am keeping the cabinets and trim color the same and am trying to avoid painting them if at all possible.  What are your thoughts?







Cason is not crawling yet, but I think he is at least moving in that direction.  Here is a video on his progress.  This video was taken on the morning of 9/22/2011, right after Cason had his first morning bottle. He is very playful in the mornings. 



Morning Crawl





We had signed Cason up for Swim Lessons at our local YMCA, but have not been able to start the class yet, due to not enough people signing up.  We were already at the Y this last time when we discovered the cancellation.  We had our suits, were ready to go, so we played in the pool for almost an hour.  Cason LOVED it and was not scared of the water in the least bit.  I think Pete had just as much fun as Cason did.  Here is a video and pics to view, taken 10-1-2011.  Smile 







We have transitioned Cason to a high-chair now for most of his feedings.  He does really well in it and does not fight going in it, at least for now.  He is very excited about eating and gets very animated.  Here is a video to illustrate.  We think he could be the next E-Trade baby.  Smile   This video was taken in the morning on 10-3-2011.  The high chair is a “Duo-Diner” by Graco. So far I am pleased with it.






We have been giving Cason his bath primarily in the kitchen sink using a plastic folding tub.  It has worked great.  With Cason being able to sit on his own now, we will be transitioning him to the “big boy” tub.  I have non-slip liners ready to go.  Here are a few bath pictures and one last video, taken 10-3-2011. 







Cason is 7 months old today, 10-3-2011!  Holy Lord the time is flying by!  His 1st birthday will be here if I blink! Today he was feeling mellow in his green outfit, hand-picked by Mommy. 






Whew, that was a lot of pictures and videos!  Hope I did not overwhelm you, but I have discovered I need to blog when the mood hits me and on some days it will be a dumping of photos and stuff to get y’all wonderful friends and family caught up on how we are doing.  Many of you heard about Pete’s ear infection and subsequent eardrum rupturing.  He is feeling a lot better and is on the mend. 


So we are surviving, happy as clams, and looking forward to some family time this upcoming weekend.  Yea! 






Sushi Birthday Dinner September 29, 2011

Filed under: Baby Peanut,Heart Warming,Holidays — Treasuring The Journey @ 11:09 PM

Last Friday was my birthday and we celebrated with a few of our good friends and ate some really, really, awesome sushi.  If in the local area and you like sushi, you MUST try Ichiban.  They are the BEST in town, trust me, we have tried them all.  We love our sushi and we are picky.  I always order the Volcano roll.  It is the best I have ever had.  The Florence roll, Rolls Royce roll, and Helen roll are also very very good.

It was a great night.  Thank you to Katie, Irma, Benji, Rudy, Tebra, Josie, Shane, and Pete for being a part of my birthday dinner.  Here are a few snapshots from the evening. 

Cason and I shared some sweet exchanges. Oh how that boy has my heart. 





Our friends, Irma and Benji joined us.  Cason has Irma’s heart too. 





Our buddy, Rudy, celebrated with us also.  He is new to the sushi scene and struggles every time with the chopsticks.  It is hard for an old dog to learn new tricks.  Surprised smile  LOL! 







My partner-in-crime in my home staging projects, Katie, also came to enjoy some sushi.  Cason is working on her heart. Winking smile


Two pictures of the happy husband and wife – one of our usual self-pics and one that Benji took for us.

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Shot of a yummy plate of sushi.  This is “Sushi Cake” and a Snowcrab roll.  Yum Yum!







One tired little boy.  A few tears were shed after a minor incident with a chopstick.  Smile  Momma to the rescue. 





Good friends, Good food, Great night…I am blessed. 





I am 5 Months Old Today! August 3, 2011

Filed under: Baby Peanut — Treasuring The Journey @ 4:56 PM
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Hi!  I am Cason and I am taking a turn writing on Mommy’s blog today.  I am 5 months old today!  I have recently learned to roll over, though I don’t do it every time.  I am filling out and getting heavy.  I weigh around 15 pounds!  I love to play in my walker toys and love to grab Mommy and Daddy’s noses and brush their cheeks with my hands while I am starting to drift to sleep.  I have started eating rice cereal with some pears, but it is not that great tasting, but Mommy tries to feed it to me every day.  I love my changing table, I have a great view of my room and the cool crafty circles my Mommy hung up on the wall.  My favorite activity is gumming on anything – toys, my fingers, the burp cloth, Mommy’s hands, anything I can get in my mouth I am going for it!  Oh, and I love to laugh.  Daddy is especially funny. 


Mommy took a few pictures of me this morning before I headed off to daycare.  I can make lots of expressions! 






















Can’t wait to play with you! 


cason Signature