Treasuring The Journey

Treasuring the journey through life, one footstep at a time.

Meditation Day 2 – Distraction May 30, 2016

Filed under: Life,Meditation — Treasuring The Journey @ 12:15 PM
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Talk about being distracted.  It was hard to focus, hard for the my mind to slow and stay without thought.  D I S T R A C T E D! There were a few contributing factors, but that is life, and why continuing to P R A C T I C E meditation is important.  It won’t be perfect any day, but keep trying, keep practicing.  Movement then Meditation I think might be key for me.  Perhaps as I become more practiced with breathing exercises, pranayama, and meditation I won’t require the movement as much beforehand.  Time will tell.


I was a ding-dong the night before and locked my keys in my trunk, of course with all the doors locked.  I was waiting until 7am to call AAA and request service.  Days like that are where I can recognize I am human, crap happens, pay the AAA annual subscription, and keep moving.  Thankful for fast service from AAA.  I highly recommend you get some type of Roadside Coverage for moments you are human.  I think I have called every year for something random.  Towing, ran out of gas, key lock out, dead battery, change the tire….11 year membership and counting.  Back to meditation, I was distracted by the time and situation.  Even though I had everything available to set my mind at ease about the situation, I was still thinking about it. 



Laughing Buddha reminding me to laugh at myself when I am human and lock my keys in the trunk! 


I was visiting my sister’s house so I was distracted by all of her plants, not as familiar surroundings, sounds, sights, smells.  I wanted to go explore instead of sit.  I did a distracted version of 3-part yogic breath of lower lung chamber (expand the low belly), middle lung chamber (ribs expand) and upper lung chamber (chest lifts, collar bones broaden).  The breathing helped some, but my mind was still flittering off like a butterfly in a field.  I later have realized that I needed to go ahead do my walk-about and see what my eyes wanted to take in, smell the flowers, look at the different projects going on…and then go back and sit.  I need to recognize the energy I had swirling in my body and desire to explore and do that first, get it out of the way so that I can come back and sit with a more meaningful meditation. 


I finally decided to take a walk and visit the plants, walk the property, and I found myself walking to the horses in the various pastures below my sister’s house.  I had noticed a couple of Paint horses the day before and were drawn to them.  I had caught the eye color of one and I had to see more. 




Cisco, a lovely black and white Paint stallion came over to say Hello and posed several times for me. His elusive friend stay away this morning.



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I snapped a pretty pasture weed flower, they open each morning and close when it starts to get hot in the day. Papery thin petals, very delicate.


Later in the day we enjoyed a nature walk around Lake Purdy in Irondale, Alabama.  To begin to describe the physical difference in my sister’s strength was amazing, I was, am in awe.  I could hardly keep up with her walking…She is on a mission to be stronger, more confident, feeling better, healthier…one step at a time, one day at a time.  #warriorsister #phoenixwarrior #susannaisawarrior #warriorstrong



2016-05-29 08.02.26

Susanna and AnnaCarol blazing the trail ahead.



2016-05-29 08.03.16

Susanna pauses to take in a lake view, and let me catch up.  Smile




Striking veins on this leaf, I think it is from a Sycamore Tree.

The world’s original Google, Dad, can let me know for sure. 



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It is not uncommon for me or my sister to find bones when we are in the woods. 

When we are together, it is almost a guarantee.  We left these to rest where they lay.



2016-05-29 08.04.11

A Mom and her Mini-Me. 

And this is the type of ‘Good’n Tired’ we like to do. Work Hard, Play Hard, Rest Hard.



Thankful for this day, for quality time spent with family, for strength that can continue to grow. 


Spreading Love,

Paying Attention,

Letting my Light Shine,

Treasuring the Journey…one day at a time.





#meditation #treasuringthejourney #findjoy #sharejoy #spreadlove #spreadjoy #keeppracticing


Meditation Day 1 – Roadrunner May 27, 2016

Filed under: Meditation — Treasuring The Journey @ 8:58 AM

Meditation Day 1, May 27th, 2016


I’ve dreaded, put off, procrastinated doing the 40-day meditation that is part of my requirement to complete my 200-hour Yoga Teacher Training certification.  Why?  The truth….I was scared to sit with myself, my thoughts, that inner voice.  Scared of the tears I felt would come gushing down my face.  Scared.  Well Meditation Day 1 is over and you know what?  I survived.  I am still breathing, deeper in fact, and it was ok.  I actually liked it.  Yes I cried, not like a fire hydrant gush, but tears flowed, but they were tears coming from joy and a grateful heart for the vision of a future moment in time, one that is coming and will happen. 


I have started waking up earlier and earlier in the mornings, 5:15am-ish…yea EARLY for this chick.  But I was going with it, just get up, start the day.  I began to walk with my coffee around my yard, my little slice of Eden.  Admiring the flowers, listening to the birds, listening to the world wake up.  People evidently are already on the river at 6am in these parts, squeals of delight from those skiing or knee-boarding could be heard.  I grabbed 4 prayer flags on my way out, not my usual number of prayer flags, but today I grabbed 4.  I decided to sit with the prayer flags during my prayers and time of meditation, to instill my prayers a little longer in them. I didn’t color coordinate on purpose, but matching prayer flags and prayer shawl for the win.  More about Prayer Flags in a later post.


2016-05-27 08.42.23


I settled into the grass, took my sandals off, in my pajamas and sat facing east, toward the rising sun, the place where all things begin and closed my eyes.  I allowed the mind to quiet, I reminded myself to make my breath louder so I could hear it better, to be able to better focus and center, ground myself.  After a few breaths the calm comes, the light got lighter in my closed eyes, I knew Spirit was close, the air, the energy and had shifted.  Learning to sit with the quiet, to know you are safe in this sacred moment, to not feel fear, but awe of the beauty, the presence around.  Learning how to feel Spirit again…to be able to sit in the light, to feel the light emanating from me. 


I had visions of a time in Cozumel, Mexico, a snapshot of a group of people underwater scuba diving, my friend Rodrigo was there to take the picture.  A vision of myself sitting at the end of the dock, at sunset, thankful for the day I had just experienced.   One more reminder and affirmation from Creator that my dream of a Scuba + Yoga adventure is within my reach.  It will happen. The joy my heart felt, the smile that came across my face, and the tears, huge tears of joyful anticipation of this time.  Thank you for this vision, this dream in my heart. 


The night before I had read the book “Harold and the Purple Crayon” to my son. The little boy creates his own world, whatever he likes with his purple crayon. The world is his canvas and he holds the crayon. The squiggles that inevitable come to my eyes at times this time felt more purposeful like a shape was being drawn over and over for me to see the image, but in a stick figure, crayon type of drawing. The image of a Roadrunner was being drawn, no doubt about it. Creator reminded me that the world too is my canvas and I have the crayons, every color under the sun, to draw, dream and create the world I want. Exactly what I would tell my son, Creator was telling me, reminding me of this in my meditation.


Why a roadrunner though?  Of course my question after meditation and always grateful for Google to lead me to the answers. 




From Native American and Mayan traditions roadrunners are notable for their speed (they can run faster than a human), bravery (they kill and eat rattlesnakes) and endurance.  Roadrunner represents quick thinking, being able to shift dimensions easily, and being able to switch directions quickly.  Hopi and Pueblo tribes believe roadrunners to be protectors against evil spirits and are considered medicine birds. Some tribes consider the bird to be sacred and will not kill the bird, while others sacrifice this bird and eat its meat for medicine, strength and stamina.  Roadrunners have an unusual X-shaped footprint, often used as a sacred symbol to ward off evil spirits in certain tribes.  The X-shaped footprint tracks conceals which direction the bird is headed (thus throwing malignant spirits off-track.) 


From the blog ‘Feathers and Bones’, I found a wealth of information…  I’m liking the Roadrunner more and more.

– Although speed is its ally, time is irrelevant to the roadrunner. It can do several things at once and isn’t bothered with completing one thing before moving on to the next. This is partly due to its great mental agility represented by the crest on its head.. Many native cultures believe a "crest" symbolizes quick and efficient thinking capabilities. Those with this medicine have the ability to think quickly on their feet, flow with rapid change and understand the proper use of speed. 


– Due to the roadrunner’s large body, it cannot stay airborne for more than a few seconds and so, it prefers walking or running. It has a clownish gait when running or walking and reminds us to laugh with ourselves and not take things too seriously.


– The roadrunner is a vocal bird producing a variety of sounds from crows, chuckles, clacking and coos. Roadrunner asks us to use sound to benefit ourselves. Distract unwanted influences or say the right thing at the right time. By listening to the roadrunner we discover the right tone to use in any situation from a low coo to a screeching chuckle. Sound as well as speed can pierce through a situation and change its energy. Shamans are known to use both to shape shift realities when necessary.


– When spring arrives, the male roadrunner acquires food for himself and then offers choice morsels to a female as an inducement to mating. He often dances around her while she begs for food, then gives her the morsel after breeding briefly. Roadrunner teaches us the importance of honoring our personal needs first before giving to others. Some might think of this as a selfish act but in truth it is a balanced one. Although roadrunner has an ulterior motive when offering the female food (that of breeding) it carries the message of survival. Take care of yourself first and then assist others.


– Because roadrunner is always thinking of ways to get what it wants it reminds those with this medicine to use the ingenuity of their minds. If a problem occurs "think" yourself out of it. Highly intelligent, roadrunner medicine people have the mental capabilities to fix or change any situation. Procrastination is not part of this medicine. Roadrunner reminds us that mental alertness, speedy action coupled with the right use of sound always produces harmonious outcomes.


With an open heart and mind, I welcome the Roadrunner as a Spirit Animal in my life.  May I be reminded to be quick thinking, adapt to change, to laugh at myself and not take things too seriously, to use sound and speed to alter a situation or change its energy, to honor my needs first, take care of self first, so that I can then be of service to others, and to use my brain….I am smart, may I use my intellect for the greatest good, swift, alert, eyes open, able to adapt, messenger of the roads, of the Spirits. 


I think it is no coincidence that my name, Iris in Greek mythology is the “Messenger of the Gods” who moves with the speed of the wind and the Roadrunner is “Messenger of the roads and Spirits”, known for its Speed.  One more connection, thank you Creator. 


Spreading Love,

Paying Attention,

Letting my Light Shine,

Treasuring the Journey…one day at a time.








#meditation #roadrunner #spiritanimal #spreadlove #listeningtoCreator #treasuringthejourney


For Your Reading Pleasure July 30, 2013

Filed under: For Your Reading Pleasure,Words of Wisdom — Treasuring The Journey @ 12:59 PM

Whew, I have been reading a lot of deep, I mean deep, hit-me-to-the-core, sucker punch words lately.  It is like the universe is saying to me “Look up, Listen, and Take Note!”.  Here are a few great blog posts that whispered, screamed, and sang to me all at the same time.  Click the images to read the posts.


Brush Off Your Own Story


I had an ugly cry on Saturday.  I won’t get into the details, but it was needed and a long time coming and I am thankful I had a friend by my side when it happened.  It is so easy to go with the ‘Fine’ answer when asked how you are doing.  When was the last time someone took the time to ask you how you are REALLY doing, you know, the below-the-surface question?  When was the last time that you took the time to answer that below-the-surface question with the true below-the-surface emotional answer? 



Becoming More Positive


Some people seem to be naturally positive people, others seem to be naturally negative or cynical.  I liked to think I am closer to being naturally positive, but I can quickly and easily get closer to being negative than I care to admit, especially when the stress has been turned up a notch or two, or twenty.  I commend Elizabeth for putting her personal story out there for the world to read, but I commend her even more for her commitment to remaining focused on being more positive each and every day.  A great read from an aspiring new author, my best to Elizabeth in her future writing endeavors and to her personal war against depression. 



New Mom Advice


Even though I am not a ‘new’ mom anymore, as my little boy is almost two and a half years old, most of this advice still applies.  A few snippets that still ring true at newborn, two years, 5 years, 15 years, 30 years, forever….

  • Cut yourself some slack.
  • Parent towards the big picture and know many of the things you fret over aren’t as important as they pretend to be.
  • Learn to ditch the mom-guilt fast, if you don’t squash it when they are tiny it will haunt all your mothering.
  • Don’t forget who you are. It’s easy to get lost in parenting. For “you” to get lost.
  • Give yourself grace as you learn the ropes. Give your children grace too.
  • Let yourself mess up and then dare to admit it, and let them do the same.
  • Your only goal is to raise someone who cares about others and can make good decisions.
  • We all feel like we have no business to be doing what we are doing and that we must be messing it all up.
  • Surround yourself with other parents who can build you up, reassure you, and swap stories (and babysitting) as needed.



When you  think your love story is boring


Pete will probably never ever run through an airport professing his love for me, but that is ok.  His consistent ways each day with our little family show his love for me, and for us, even on the days when he drives me bonkers and gets under my skin.  Love is hard, marriage is harder, but very much worth it.  I needed this good reminder about what love really really really is in the grand scheme of things. 


Read anything inspiring, uplifting, funny, or just simply awesome lately? Please share with me in the comments below!


Be awesome today!

