Treasuring The Journey

Treasuring the journey through life, one footstep at a time.

Bucket List June 28, 2011

Having a bucket list seems to have become a hot topic over the past few years.  I have had a mental bucket list building for a long time in my head and I decided I might as well put my goals and things I want to do down on “paper”.  Do you have a bucket list?  Here is the start of my bucket list.  I know that as I cross things off my list I will also be adding more to it.  These are not in any particular order of importance, just things I want to do over the course of my life.

  1. Travel to Ireland
  2. Go on a cruise to Alaska
  3. Scuba Dive in Belize
  4. Learn to sew
  5. Learn how to use wood-working equipment and other power tools
  6. Go Skydiving
  7. Adopt a dog/puppy
  8. Make a terrarium
  9. Ride in a hot air balloon

I can only think of 9 things on my bucket list at the moment!  How lame! I know there is more stuff I want to do with my life.  I definitely need to start writing down this stuff as it crosses my mind!  More to come as I think of it!  🙂 


2 Responses to “Bucket List”

  1. I was able to go skydiving on my Bucket List Journey, it was crazy scary! But, I felt so empowered afterward, like I could do anything! Love the terrarium idea 🙂

    • Hi Annette! Thanks for stopping by! My husband has been skydiving and is ready to take the plunge again with me. Maybe for my birthday this year! Hmmm. 🙂 I think the terrarium project may get checked off the list sooner as opposed to later!

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