Treasuring The Journey

Treasuring the journey through life, one footstep at a time.

Take 15 Minutes and Just Do it February 28, 2012

Filed under: Random,Take 15,Words of Wisdom — Treasuring The Journey @ 11:22 PM
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The current state of my desk is messy, to say the very least.  I probably should be cleaning it off and checking off more things from the never-ending scattered To-Do list, but I decided to write for a few minutes instead. 


Here is my desk right now, at this very moment.  10:45pm CST


My Desk - What a MESS!

Sorry for the blurry cell phone picture, at night time with horrid lighting!


See, I told you MESSY!  A random assortment of things honestly, that end of up piling up on my desk.  It is a wonder I get anything done at all!  HA!  I pride myself on being organized, but I also guess I have to admit that I can be a bit messy.  I need to take a few minutes and just deal with the mess.  File, recycle, and shred papers, compile to-do lists,  put things away in their proper place, etc.  I need to take 15 minutes. 

Earlier this evening I took the few extra minutes to sweep and swiffer our kitchen floor.   It was grungy and I do not enjoy cleaning the floor, but tonight the grunge factor took over and I decided to just deal with the mess. Of course I felt better after it was over, well worth the few minutes. 

Earlier today I finally wrote out the invitations to Cason’s family birthday party that is this Sunday.  Yep, the party is this Sunday and I am just now getting invitations in the mail.  For some reason I have put this task off and have not wanted to get it done.  But today when I sat down and spent less than 15 minutes getting it done, I thought to myself….”why did you put that off…that took no time to take care of!”   I should have done that last week and been done with that small task!  It is amazing what a small item on your to-do list that is looming over you can become bigger and more difficult to tackle in your mind.  Though a bit late in sending them, the invitations are officially in the mail.  I am going to quit beating myself up over the fact that I should have already sent the invitations out and move on!  It did feel good to check that task off the to-do list today.  Next I have the invitations to Cason’s other birthday party the following weekend.  My goal is to be in the mail by Thursday.

Ok, I digressed, sorry! So before this desk gets any messier, I am off to take 15 minutes and just deal with my mess of a desk.  I encourage you to take 15 minutes and deal with something that has been looming on your to-do list or just needs to get done!  I promise you will feel better after! 


Hope your week is off to a great start! Take 15 minutes and tell me what you did in the Comments section below!



Seven Kids February 22, 2012

Filed under: Family,Random,Why I Blog? — Treasuring The Journey @ 12:08 AM
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Today I had to return a few items to a local store, Bargain Hunt, and when I entered the store and got in line, I encountered a Mom and her seven children ranging in age from less than 1 year old to maybe 12.  It was like a pack of kids.  Overall, I thought they were pretty well behaved, all things considered.  It was just before lunch time and I think the whole pack was hungry and more than ready to go, and of course there was a problem at the register.  In my past life (pre-mommy era) this type of scenario would have annoyed me and probably make me curse under my breath, but today, well today was different. 

As I began to scan the kids, 5 boys, 2 girls, and tried to best guess their ages, I began to think to myself, “Bless this woman.” I know I could not handle that situation as gracefully as she was trying to keep her composure.  The mom, above anyone else, wanted to get the heck out of that store and take her pack with her.  I tried my best to help entertain the little one in the stroller from a comfortable distance, but there was a lot going on and he was easily distracted.  The mom was trying her best to keep her kids corralled together and she was losing the battle.  At any rate, another register opened and I went about my day.  I am sure the mom was glad I was able to go to a different line and I was glad since I no longer had to stand there trying to not look uncomfortable.   The mom and her pack left and I assume got into a large vehicle of some type, probably a 15-passenger van or something similar. 


This could be their family bumper sticker on the van…

Family of Nine


So, what makes me want to write down this little story about the mom and her seven kids?  Well, so far Cason has been superb, all star baby and I know that at some point the streak will end.  I know that one day (probably sooner than later) Cason, or any other future children will inevitably have a meltdown or major tantrum in a store and I will be the frazzled mom trying desperately to look cool, calm, and collected, but really I just want to cry and run from the store with my kid(s) in tow…and I will want someone to be gracious with me and not be cruel or snippy or stare, etc.  Trust me, I will be wanting to crawl into a black hole when it occurs, so please be kind!  :-)  Today was an exercise of showing someone grace and sending out some karma vibes for when I need some good karma. 


And just in case you are curious, Pete and I have no plans to have seven children.  LOL! 


Y’all have a nice day!
