Treasuring The Journey

Treasuring the journey through life, one footstep at a time.

Thrifty Books Rock my world August 21, 2012

Filed under: Thrift Store Finds — Treasuring The Journey @ 5:40 PM
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One thing I love about thrift stores is the endless supply of books on any topic…you just never know what book you might come across while digging in the baskets and bins of books.  Today I found the following books, all priced at 50 cents each.





Titles include:

The Best Things Ever Said About Parenting

The Joy of Parenthood

The Power of a Positive Mom

The Energy Bus

God’s Word for Simple Abundance

Beachcombing at Miramar, the Quest for an Authentic Life

Yoga for Live, Feel Confident

I’m a Big Brother (NO announcement being made, for when/if Cason fits this description, this Mom is ready)

Dear Dad, If I Could Tell You Anything (bought for Pete)

Becoming a Woman of Freedom

Find Your Purpose, Change Your Life

Crucial Conversations

The Martha Stewart Cookbook (because well, it’s Martha!)


Have you read any of these? If you want to borrow one, or two, just let me know!  I am happy to share!   Got any books you recommend I read? 


I always get a juice nugget of wisdom, perspective, advice, or creative idea from any book I read. Of course I will share what words speak to me in these books.  Obviously I am doing a lot of soul searching and all of these books all had titles that match my thoughts right now.  Awesome, thanks thrift store! 


Happy Reading!

