Treasuring The Journey

Treasuring the journey through life, one footstep at a time.

Words of Wisdom from a Fortune Cookie July 2, 2011

Filed under: Words of Wisdom — Treasuring The Journey @ 1:36 AM

I have always loved Chinese food.  I also love to read my fortune in my fortune cookie.  I love the little added bonus the fortune cookie provides…you just never know what the fortune might say.  Fortunately, we have two Chinese restaurants within close proximity to our house and typically once a week we order take-out.  Needless to say, I have several plastic Chinese takeout containers and fortune cookies.  I cannot bear to throw the containers away…We have over 50.  Please tell me I am not the only one!


A few years ago I had cut out a picture in a magazine that contained a collection of fortunes all pinned to a gigantic cork bulletin board.  All the pins were red thumb tacks and it made a statement.  I wanted to steal the idea.  Over several years I saved over 300 fortunes.  I had a cute little box I kept them in and I was waiting until I had enough fortunes to make my statement piece of art.  It become one of those projects that I wanted to do, just never had the time to do.  A few months ago in my pre-baby cleaning “nesting” mode, I threw all 300 fortunes away.  Sad smile 
I kinda wish I would have kept them.  I know it seems silly to save the
little fortune pieces of paper, but I liked them. 


From those 300+ fortune cookies, I did come up with my lottery ticket numbers.  I used to live in Florida where they have the lotto.  I entered into a spreadsheet all the lucky numbers that were printed on the back of each fortune…yes I had a lot of time on my hands.  LOL!  I determined which numbers occurred the most and those became my lucky lotto numbers.  I am aware that officially makes me a dork, but that is ok!  I bought a six-month 2-draw lotto ticket with my numbers and waited patiently to win big….Nothing happened.  The week my ticket ran out, I decided to not purchase a ticket again and of course that came back to bite me!  The next lotto draw had 5 of my 6 numbers!  True story!  Dang it!  I could have been rich!!!  Oh well, life went on. 


Yesterday we had Chinese food and my fortune was the following: 


“Affirm it, visualize it, believe it, and it will actualize itself.” 


I like this fortune…a lot!  So for now I am not keeping the little pieces of paper anymore.  I won’t be making my Fortune Cookie art statement, but I will on occasion pass on the lovely tidbits of wisdom that I glean from the cookies on to you, my lovely readers. 


The other fortune cookies we got the other night had the same fortune in both cookies.  Is that a sign?  Should I pay more attention to that fortune cookie wisdom? 


“You can’t learn less.”


What the heck does that mean anyway!?!?!  Have you gotten an interesting fortune cookie lately?  Do you add “in bed” to the end of your fortune cookie quote?  Sometimes it can be funny!  LOL!


Anyways, signing off for the night. It is late. We had a great evening with a nice dip in the pool, good food, and great friends.  Hope your weekend is off to a fabulous start!

