Treasuring The Journey

Treasuring the journey through life, one footstep at a time.

Take 15 Minutes and Just Do it February 28, 2012

Filed under: Random,Take 15,Words of Wisdom — Treasuring The Journey @ 11:22 PM
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The current state of my desk is messy, to say the very least.  I probably should be cleaning it off and checking off more things from the never-ending scattered To-Do list, but I decided to write for a few minutes instead. 


Here is my desk right now, at this very moment.  10:45pm CST


My Desk - What a MESS!

Sorry for the blurry cell phone picture, at night time with horrid lighting!


See, I told you MESSY!  A random assortment of things honestly, that end of up piling up on my desk.  It is a wonder I get anything done at all!  HA!  I pride myself on being organized, but I also guess I have to admit that I can be a bit messy.  I need to take a few minutes and just deal with the mess.  File, recycle, and shred papers, compile to-do lists,  put things away in their proper place, etc.  I need to take 15 minutes. 

Earlier this evening I took the few extra minutes to sweep and swiffer our kitchen floor.   It was grungy and I do not enjoy cleaning the floor, but tonight the grunge factor took over and I decided to just deal with the mess. Of course I felt better after it was over, well worth the few minutes. 

Earlier today I finally wrote out the invitations to Cason’s family birthday party that is this Sunday.  Yep, the party is this Sunday and I am just now getting invitations in the mail.  For some reason I have put this task off and have not wanted to get it done.  But today when I sat down and spent less than 15 minutes getting it done, I thought to myself….”why did you put that off…that took no time to take care of!”   I should have done that last week and been done with that small task!  It is amazing what a small item on your to-do list that is looming over you can become bigger and more difficult to tackle in your mind.  Though a bit late in sending them, the invitations are officially in the mail.  I am going to quit beating myself up over the fact that I should have already sent the invitations out and move on!  It did feel good to check that task off the to-do list today.  Next I have the invitations to Cason’s other birthday party the following weekend.  My goal is to be in the mail by Thursday.

Ok, I digressed, sorry! So before this desk gets any messier, I am off to take 15 minutes and just deal with my mess of a desk.  I encourage you to take 15 minutes and deal with something that has been looming on your to-do list or just needs to get done!  I promise you will feel better after! 


Hope your week is off to a great start! Take 15 minutes and tell me what you did in the Comments section below!
